Here’s 2018, or…

…Down is up, up is down and sideways is running around in circles

We are approaching or in a brand-new year. Yet we are still dragging along a bunch of crap from the old year. Stuff that hasn’t been worked out or a federal investigation that hasn’t reached a conclusion. Everybody knows the Russians interfered in our elections except the President of our country. My guess is he knows but just doesn’t want most Americans to delegitimize the December 2016, Electoral College declaration of the November 8 official winner. If you are not careful, you will become dizzy from the twist and turns of the daily behavior from the current occupants of the White House.
Words like conspiracy and obstruction of justice are flying around Washington DC like a noose tightening around the Grand Marshall of the KKK’s neck. The current administration is ducking, dogging while trying to counter punch as if boxing was in their DNA. No one knows where the real buck is going to land or if an indictment is just around the corner. Yes, these are tense times at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Stay tuned for more fallout reported daily by the very institutions designated by the president as Fake News Outlets.
Stay tuned for more sexual harassments charges from men who can’t seem to keep it in their pants when it comes to business associates or woman they casually meet at some affair or another. For that matter, I bet you some relationship that we never dreamed would occur is about to come to light in 2018. But then…yes…women have found their voice and its about time.
Look out for more saber-rattling from North Korea and the like. They all know now that as America continues to isolate itself against the rest of the world. That provides cover for their inhuman acts. Our allies now trust us less as they don’t know if their discussions with the US will be in the next tweet from the Donald. Senate and House Republicans will continue to act as if they don’t know why they were sent to Washington in the first place.
Look for Democrats to pin a lot of hopes in the 2018 elections. The problem is they better put in the work, or the November-December headlines will be how the Democrats blew it.
All that is just a distraction from how we as individuals can make it an outstanding New Year. First loose as many pounds as you can, which is my goal. You will note I didn’t say how many. That guarantees I will be successful in that venture. Do something you and your main squeeze like to do at least twice a month in 2018. Do something that may be costly during the year but save for it. Or you can still do something that is not pricey. Realize it doesn’t cost anything to be helpful to one another. Or for that matter to people, you meet during your daily rounds.
Take an interest in your children’s world, including play and school. Ensure that they know the values of life and not just the commercial entities. Make an example of yourself by reading books, magazines, or computer blogs. But let them know that your family is a reader of words from many different but trusted sources. Along with your religious preference which should be practiced on a daily schedule. Another fascinating subject that I believe should be discussed within the family is the theory of Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. In short, it’s Abraham Maslow’s psychology theory dating back to his 1943 paper entitled “A Theory of Human Motivation.” It is the ideal vehicle in which to show others why we crave specific needs. Look it up on the internet for details. Having taken the subject of Psychology in school. I found it to be a roadmap for life’s achievements.
Take steps in planning for your independence from your job one day. Whether that is in retirement, resigning or being downsized. Be aware of your peak earning timeframe and always plan on moving on to something else. It will keep you financially stable and able to pivot to another direction. Don’t ever think you are going to work until you are old and gray in any employment.
Finally, as you know, this is a time when we take note of where we are at, going, and how to get there. Some of us select the person we want to ride with us to wherever we’re headed. Nevertheless, it is a time for reflection. If it isn’t, then make it such a time as it should be for your own best interest. Happy New Year from my little corner of the world and enjoy the coming seasons. As you know time moves on with or without you so hang on and enjoy the ride.
If you are thinking of what’s next in Washington DC, don’t get confused or buy into the rhetoric. Heed the words of my Grandma Gracie, “One monkey don’t stop the show.” She may have not been grammatically correct, but you get the point.
Peace & Blessings…stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a 2018 day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II
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