Jordan, Tiger…or Another Individual

This morning I am laying in the bed watching Sports Center. Charles Barkley made a statement that Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods commanding the stage of being the best athlete he has known in his life. I understand that Charles Barkley speaking about the most exceptional athletes were those from his era. But then there…

Then…there is Joe

Bernie Sanders loomed large as champion a movement of sorts. His programs or remedies for the improved health of America is free this or free that. Maybe, just maybe, the results in South Carolina reminded Sanders that the United States of America is a capitalist democracy. Free is not a word that’s easily digested in…

HRO and the Current Presidency

Most have heard of the Gabrielle Union dispute and ultimate firing from the voice. A smaller number of people may have heard that Afton Williamson quit ABC’s “The Rookie” series back in July. She noted the reason was after her complaints during the first season of racial bullying and sexual harassment simply ignored by the…

Will The Real Candidate Please Stand Up

I tried to lay low during the first part of the 2020 National Election. I didn’t want to comment too early about any candidate, especially the guy that sits in the White House as President. We are now in November of 2019. One year away, too early, but the Iowa Caucus set for February 3,…

Unchon-ni, South Korea, I Remember 1962-63

Strike up a conversation with most people who were young, free, and enjoyed American life in the sixties. You will hear, maybe even feel their urgency to bring back the nostalgia of being young during that era. It was a time, whereas the overall feeling of most people in this country was to live life…

Grandma Gracie’s Book and Pittsburg, CA. Creative Book Store

As people of color, we should all be proud of the way our grandparents, parents, and other relatives survived in the South. They not only survived but thrived through the great depression, sharecropping, outright racism, all while living in Klu Klux Klan country. There were plenty of white people who didn’t hate blacks. Let me…

Third Floor Flat to a Single Story Home

Once again, a health issue caused me to be out of pocket for a length of time. I was in the hospital on Christmas Day last December, discharged on New Year’s Eve. I wrote about my aortic valve replacement a couple of years ago. This time I didn’t feel like writing about issues concerning my…

Tis The 2018 Holiday Season

Tis the season, so on and so on. I love the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year holiday season. I, like all, are reminded of our childhood seasons. Our young adult seasons come to mind. We think of those who have passed on as well as those who are still here with us. Out thoughts shift to old friends….

AWOL, Truth and Compassion

Oh Truth & Compassion, Where for art thou? I see those traits every day when out in public. Anyone who is paying attention to who and what is said around them sees those traits in action at their supermarket, gas station, etc. Yet there is always one in the crowd. The odd person out, Mr….

Maturity comes with a Price and Responsibility

For as long as I can remember, I’ve never run away or shied away from who I am. By that I mean my birthright or race. Oh, I’ve had my questions of why I had to live with my father instead of my mother after their divorce. But then I finally resolved that idea by…

On the Downslope of Life

The kid is no longer the kid. I’m a baby boomer on the downslope of life. At an age where I have no patience with selfish, racist, liars, or people without good principles. Despite the odds, once domesticated, I lived my life by certain principles amid respect for those who solve issues rather than create…

Here’s 2018, or…

…Down is up, up is down and sideways is running around in circles We are approaching or in a brand-new year. Yet we are still dragging along a bunch of crap from the old year. Stuff that hasn’t been worked out or a federal investigation that hasn’t reached a conclusion. Everybody knows the Russians interfered…