Real Talk for July 4, 2015

(Here is a conversation I can imagine having with the President of the United States and First Lady Michelle Obama. They just seem to be real people compared to some of the stiffs we have had in the White House. This picture just confirms what I suspect that they are just warm and friendly people -CHII)

What do I mean by real people or real talk? I am referring to people who are genuine and are opposite of phony. They are people with whom you can have a conversation void of pretense.

Most people, especially politicians, try to show their social side, especially during an election cycle. You’ve seen their publicity film on the national news, eating a hamburger, slice of pizza or hotdog with the common folk at the neighborhood eatery. After winning the election, they retreat back into that congressional twilight zone. They only reappear when they are putting out spin stories for the press to feed to the public. You watch their lips moving, hear them speaking, absorb the words coming from their mouth and wonder if they think you and the American Public are really that stupid. You really can’t take that stuff personally because you know their words are aimed at a certain voting segment in this country. Please keep that in mind as we listen to the run up to the 2016 national election.

Yet, every now and then I see something that inspires me. Something that let me knows there are still politicians out there that show real emotion at the drop of a hat. This picture of Barack and Michelle is one such instance. This picture is so real; it makes me want to meet them and have a face to face conversation.

Don’t they look and act like people you can walk up to and say…”Hey, Barack…let me holler at you a minute. Oh yeah, Michelle, wow, I am so glad to meet you two in person. Please… this is my wife, Sandy Candy. Oh, let me stop, her name is really Sandra. Can we all sit-down and have a cup of coffee, a glass or wine or something?  Since I don’t drink coffee, I will take a diet Pepsi if you got one…or lemonade whichever is convenient. Oh Wow!  This White House is really amazing. The historic significance of it all is just…well, there are no words.”

I am so glad to see you two in person. Do you play whiz or spades? I mean I don’t want to seem impetuous but what’s happening Barack? How you been? You hanging in there huh? Yeah, I know what you mean. We all are just a couple of paychecks away from poverty. I heard you just won a couple of rounds at the Supreme Court, Obama Care or the Affordable Care Act as it’s really called. And that Same Sex Marriage ruling, man…Republicans keep thinking you are dead and buried and you keep rising like the Lazarus Man.” (A big round of laughter from everybody, especially the president)  Right, but…, President Obama starts to say. “Yeah I know, oh I’m sorry I interrupted, you lost one with that EPA thing but hey. It is a conservative court. What’s that baby? I am not going to ask her if she has extensions. Besides I think that is her natural hair. Oh, Michelle, you say it is your natural hair. See I told you, Sandra.”

“Speaking of hair, man…I remember when you didn’t have a gray hair on your head. It comes with the job, you say. I heard that…”

Anyway, I bet both of you are thinking about what you are going to do in January of 2017. From all I’ve heard, Michelle, you can hardly wait. No…I am not rude baby, I’m just telling like it is. These are our new friends. They are real people. They respect and respond to an honest conversation. What’s that…oh, thanks Barack for having my back. I mean that…for this conversation and all the things you have done for all Americans.

“What’s that baby, wow, you are right. Barack, Michelle I am so sorry, I have just dominated this conversation. After all, we just met you as we were touring this magnificent White House. I am sure you are busy. Come on baby, let’s move on and let them get on with their schedule. So… nice to have met you two, here is my business card. Next time either of you is in San Francisco, call me. We’re just across the Bay Bridge in Pittsburg. Stop on by and we can have lunch and another real conversation. We will probably throw something on the grill. Hey, don’t worry about it, we’re originally from Milwaukee so we know what you ‘all Chicago folks like. We are out…call me you hear.”

I’ve just given you a taste of my wild imagination, but the point should not be lost. Barack and Michelle Obama are not your normal run or the mill people or politicians. Besides the fact that are really nice people.  Historians are going to point out the president’s blunders, and missteps compared to his accomplishments. They are going to write about how those accomplishments were gained despite the opposition. In my view, there has never been a president (except Abraham Lincoln) that had to deal with so much opposition, some of which came from his own party. Remember the conservative senate democrats that opposed Affordable Health Care just before its initial passage in the Senate? Think about the money spent to avoid this man reelection in 2008. Every day in the past since that election up through today, no matter what he does, it was not the right thing to do according to Fox News analyst and all Republicans. He is the only American president where I have ever seen placards (Tea Party Rallies, etc.) with him pictured as Adolf Hitler, mustache and all in full Nazi uniform. Yet you never heard a peep about it from the national media.

One day our history books are going to show that President Barack Obama was one of the most accomplished presidents this country has ever seen. Historians are already comparing his record with Frankly D Roosevelt. Just for a quick reference, FDR brought this country back from the Great Depression and through World War II.

It brings to mind a favorite cartoon of mine from the Cagle Post and Cartoons. It depicted George Bush, with cowboy hat and on horseback. He rode off into the sunset. His horse had reared up in a Lone Ranger-Hi-Ho Silver styled salute with him smiling and waving his hat while saying goodbye.  The picture went on to depict little trails of horse manure left behind with each name designated pile. Words like Bail-out, Deficit, Economic Crisis, Iraq War, Housing Crash, Unemployment, were written on each pile. And in the background you see this figure of newly elected President Obama with a broom and pulling a garbage can as he scoops up each pile. It is an obvious reference to cleaning up the crap G Dubya left behind. The caption read something like “They always leave a mess for us to clean up.”

I thought it was priceless along with the enormity of issues that needed to be addressed in 2009 and beyond. We can look back at that on this July 4th, of 2015 weekend and say, a job well done Mr. President. People can always said, he didn’t do enough for black people, or he didn’t do this or that. You know, the old Monday morning quarterbacking routine. The one thing no one can deny is that he has and continues to make real progress in how we as people and politicians address problems. All in all, he has made a difference where John McCain and Mitt Romney would not have had they been elected.  As a country, we are better off with President Obama in office. Historians will bear that out in the history books. So on this holiday let’s give credit where credit is long overdue. And above all, let’s not forget our United States of America troops and their families’ sacrifices from the War of Independence, the Civil War through the undeclared skirmishes’ of today. They are the reason we can sit and enjoy whatever degree of freedom you think you have in this county.

Peace, make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II

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